Sunday, May 17, 2020

The Discovery Of The Moon - 1360 Words

Prologue The evening sky flashed with an array of lights, shimmering from fiery pink to dark purple, as the twin suns slowly began to sink below the horizon. The soft white clouds floated along the purple sky, succumbing to the blanket of darkness that arose along with the alien night. The cratered moon arose from the boundaries of sight, large and with an inherent cosmic beauty. The large rings of the planet casted shadows upon the land, dousing whatever was left alight with the soothing darkness. As the suns finally slipped away, the land was plunged into darkness. A distant galaxy appeared in the sky, with it’s wondrous arms extending into the void of the universe. The arms were milky white, radiating with the combination of all the†¦show more content†¦The moss and algae that had grown some ways from the river received their fair share of water, becoming engorged and moist with the rain. Soon enough, the rain ceased it’s downpour upon the rock. Miles and miles of wet eroded land stretched on, with water collecting and falling along its sides like raindrops collecting on a window. New life was birthed from the rain, with algae and moss growing from the beneficial levels of water along the ground. The river sputtered on, crashing against the rocks and breaking away the loose sediments. All seemed peaceful in the land, as the primitive life of algae, moss, and unicellular species in the water flourishes like a jungle. Alas, the planet was going to be a new sight for a species that had never set foot on it, and was not even conceived upon it. The sleek figure of a metallic construct glided along the black skies, wet from the earlier cascade of water. It’s back spewed blue-hot fire, as jetstreams formed along the wings of the construct. On the front was a jagged nose and a reflective window, jet black from the outside. It smoothly flew, graceful and elegant like a hawk upon the sky. As it flew, the moon hung ominously over the metallic craft. It seemingly swallowed the distant sputters of light from the stars into it’s voluminous width. The craft stooped lower and lower from the sky, until it started to blow away the weak fragments of rockShow MoreRelatedThe Discovery Of The Moons Essay2194 Words   |  9 Pages The moons shined. Waves slurped the beach and piddled out to sea. And two boys shoved a canoe, carving a little trench in the sand. â€Å"Crazy that it can float.† Dinis said bending his back, trying not to breath too hard. â€Å"Right.† Said Kaiden, tall and plump. â€Å"But we don t gotta push it no more, get in.† Dinis sat down facing the sea and Kaiden pushed them out and began to row. 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