Wednesday, May 6, 2020

Is Third Worlld Immigration a Threat to Americas Way of Life

Is Third Worlld Immigration a Threat to Americas Way of Life Is Third world immigration a threat to America’s way of life? I do not believe it is. I agree with Isbister. He argues that cultural impacts of immigration â€Å"are positive, constructive changes, that most Americans will benefit from living in a more multicultural society, and that tension between the different ethnic groups can be alleviated. I for one am a Filipino-American and proud of it. My parents came to America from the Philippines to make a better life for themselves. They came here for the so-called â€Å"American Dream.† My parents believed in all the sayings about â€Å"The Land of Opportunity and â€Å"The Land of Milk and Honey.† I honestly believe that they have made their†¦show more content†¦One reason why people oppose it is because they believe that immigrants may take away jobs from American workers. Another issue is that they believe immigrants may cause the country to break up into separate cultural units, thus destroying Amer ica’s unity. Lastly, people say that immigrants are a fiscal burden. Isbister tells us that cross-sectional studies show that â€Å"immigration has little if any impact on the wages and employment opportunities of residents, even residents who are unskilled, low paid, or racial minorities.† This and other cross-sectional empirical studies show that immigration quite possibly may have little or no effect at all on employment and wages of current residents. In regards to the issue that immigrants may try to break the country up into separate units. I believe this is preposterous. I think that the only reason why people believe in this is because they are ignorant to other cultures and feel threatened because of their differences. I think that Isbister said it best with the this statement, â€Å"The essence of American life is that it is composed of different groups, different cultures, races, religions, attitudes, folkways and ideologies, differences that give the count ry its distinctiveness.† In concern with the issue that immigrants are a fiscal burden there is no proof that this is true. There have been studies made that claim â€Å"†¦immigrants have not been a burden to U.S. governments- that government expenditures on the immigrants

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